Aim: To build Environmental Stewardship among youth so that they help ‘Restore Our Earth’ by adopting Low Carbon Lifestyles
Starts,Dec 2020 & GEMS Decleration Celebration on 51th EarthDay(Apr 22, 2021)
Interested Register/Action to be EDN-IGEN GEMS AMBASSADOR 2021 @
Method : Identify and select 2 motivated youth to be Green Environment Monitors in their campus. As Green Environmental Monitors they will represent their institution and compete with other institutions to design and implement practices to reduce fossil fuel consumption and transition to clean energy. These monitors will be trained by experts on ways to carry out an energy audit, practices that can help conserve energy and how to go about adopting renewables. After the training as part of the competition they will come up with plans and an implementation schedule and submit a compilation of their plans and activities based on which the judges will select the winners.
• Energise youth to take up the cause of environmental issues • Encourage the adoption of environment-friendly methods/strategies/technologies • Reduction of fossil fuel and adoption of low carbon lifestyles by implementing EDN’s ongoing campaigns • Be a part of an 'Earth Leadership Council' for his/her educational institution • Be the Coordinator for the Earth Leadership Centre for his/her educational institutions • Build partnership with other campus clubs/others to widen collaboration • Organise group meeting at least once a month or more often if required
• Top GEMS contributor will be elevated as EDN-IGEN GEMS Ambassador • All registered GEMS will receive Certificate from Earth Day Network and IGEN • Special priority to EDN's workshops and skill development training programmes • Access to EDN's resources, and network • Opportunity to build a strong network with environmental activists and professionals • Opportunity to practice 'Earth Leadership' and develop interpersonal skills
The GEMS need to fill up the Registration Form immediate and start action the project. Registered participants will be arranged a meeting to explain more about the execution of the Project. Looking forward to your college participation in this GEMS contest
Any queries to be communicated to Coordinator Er.Madhan Kumar @ 86670924318667092431,